Our Mission is to bring great NEW stories to life on screen. Twenty years of publishing all kinds of books for authors all over the USA and abroad proved to us that there are millions more great stories fit for the screen in this ocean of published titles by talented, soon-to-be-known authors.
So when Authors ask, "Who will evaluate my novel for film?" Nightengale Press answers, "Our knowledgeable screenwriters will. They know what it takes to tell your story for the screen."
To adapt a novel for film so it can be suitable for the screen is a huge project. That's why qualifying your book for adaptation through a fair and objective process is so valuable to the producers who are looking for a great story for their next film.
Does your book read like a movie? Most novels do. Just submit a book for adaptation to join us as we build the future of film on the stories of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Hybrid Book Publishing
Hybrid publishing companies behave just like traditional publishing companies in all respects, except that they publish books using an author-subsidized business model, as opposed to financing all costs themselves and, in exchange, return a higher-than-industry-standard share of sales proceeds to the author. A hybrid publisher makes income from a combination of publishing services and book sales. Read more about Hybrid Book Publishing on the Book Publishing Tab.
Screenwriters see the world as a movie. They read a story and can see it on the screen. They know how to trim away the unnecessary elements of a story to adapt it to the screen. Our screenwriters can evaluate any novel, short story, children's books or young adult books and in some cases, true life stories for adaptability to film. They are willing and able to take it a step further and adapt the stories they evaluate to a screenplay. Learn more about our Screenwriters by clicking on the Nightengale Entertainment Bird Logo in the header of this page.

Even an older book is new if you haven't read it!
Every famous author was once an unknown writer.
If we could read the life stories of everyone who ever lived,
then we'd have the only true history of the world.
Over 20 years, Nightengale Press published titles for authors all over the United States and abroad. As a small, solo book publisher, offering editing, layout and design, cover art, website design and marketing advice, Valerie soon discovered that the talent pool in the literary world is wide and deep, although the household-name authors are actually few and far between by comparison. Nightengale Press produced many award-winning books (Foreword Magazine's Book of the Year Award, Reader Views: Reviewers Choice Award, Parent-to-Parent Adding Wisdom Award and Amazon best-sellers in niche categories) as Nightengale Press grew to the production output of a medium-sized publishing house about six years into the profession.
The unread genius of authors who stand back in the shadows is where we often find brilliant tales in fiction as novels, in children's books, and in humor and story-twisting short story collections, which all came together in a robust library of good reads.
We begin here. And, we look toward the future with optimism and confidence that people will always be writing to tell their stories and that filmmakers will always be looking for great stories from talented authors to bring to the screen.
Are you a published author?
Do you dream of seeing your characters on the big screen?
How do you know your stories are ready?
We offer you a comprehensive and easy way
to get your novel, short story collection or your teen or children's book evaluated.
And best of all, as we expand, more directors, more producers, more filmmakers and screenwriters will join the ranks of our professional teams.
Visit the Optioned for Film page to see the titles
we've already got on board. Read the story descriptions there.
Then, go to Plans and Pricing to submit your work for evaluation.